Summer Internships and Shadow Days
A summer internship isn’t running for coffee…
At Beers + Hoffman, we offer an in-depth experience, more like a micro apprenticeship, to help you learn about the technology, equipment, what individuals bring to a project and, perhaps most importantly, how it all comes together as a team.
You’ll work on real projects, and hone not only your technical and communication skills, but also join collaborative efforts with our team to gain a working studio knowledge.
Get your questions answered…
A summer internship or a shadow day with Beers + Hoffman is a great opportunity to get the answers to your questions about our chosen field of work. Our firm principals, project architects and other team members are more than happy to spend time explaining a current project and the role they play, talking you through the technology that we use, mentoring you, and sharing their life experiences, as well as helpful advice.
The most recent visit by a shadow student coincided with the tenure of our summer intern. Intern Zach was able to tell the high school student not only about what he was working on at the time, but also about his path through Undergraduate and Graduate School. Many of the shadow student’s questions were answered, and it was a great visit.
Here’s what a Shadow Student said…
In a thank you email from a shadow student’s mother: “She said she ‘felt like she was in Heaven’ and she doesn’t know what to do anymore because she ‘wants to do all of it’.”
Here’s what a Summer Intern had to say…
“This internship has absolutely solidified my career path. I was pretty certain in the direction I wanted to go but working here just showed me how easily it would be to do this for the rest of my life.
My view of architects has changed maybe just slightly after seeing how a firm operates. As a student your studios are devoted solely to designing the shape and feel of a building, but the architect’s job is so much more than that.
I didn’t really know what to expect from the internship, but I didn’t expect it to be so hands on. It was unexpectedly pleasant because it allowed me to sharpen my skills and learn as much as I could. Some other internships I looked at appeared to be more of a watching and learning kind of thing. But, at Beers + Hoffman, it was really hands-on and getting to work with people on their projects.
I learned a lot, but I think some of the most valuable information I learned was specific techniques in Revit. Shane taught me more about Revit in 4 weeks than 3 years of school. Also getting to sit in on client meetings with Joe and Scott gave me great insight in to how those go and how to react to situations with the client.
My experience at Beers + Hoffman was fantastic, and everyone couldn’t have been nicer and helpful.” -Zachary Lefever