Mt. Gretna, PA
As a long-time client, numerous renovations, additions and new buildings to this Mt. Gretna campus provide services at the highest level.
Philhaven‘s Grace M. Pollock Training Center is a new one-story technology-filled facility (8,700 sf) for the training of their one thousand staff members and for prevention-oriented community education programs. Video conferencing links Philhaven locations in Lancaster, York and Harrisburg as a method to reduce travel, staff time and ecological impact. The lobby contains a built-in-place water-wall feature.
The Calvin & Janet High Welcome Center was a recent interior upgrade of the lobby and reception area of the main building.
To serve the health needs of the broader Plain Community, the 16-bed Green Pastures residence was built in coordination with the Old Older Amish to respect their religious-cultural norms (such as not using videos for education).
“I would like to express my appreciation for the service provided by your firm. I received countless positive comments about both facilities. The outcome of both projects exceed my utmost expectations. Many thanks for a job well done!”
Phil Hess, Chief Executive Officer